Inflammory Bowel Disease 20% onset in Pediatric Age

Inflammory Bowel Disease, 20% onset in Pediatric Age

More than 200 Thousand Italians are estimated to suffer from inflammotory Bowel Disease (IBD). These are typo adsases of the age ’ Youth Because, in General, The Peak of Onset Is Generally Bethaeen the Ages of 15 and 30 Years. These Diseases, Characterized in Their Course by Alterning Phases of Exacerbation and Remission, with Progressive Intestinal Damage, are divided into Two Main Types: Crohn &#8217S Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Twenty percent of these Diseases Begin in the Pediatric Age ’ Pediatric Age

20% of Sun Diseases Even Begin in the Pediatric Age ’ Causing a condition that often does not Allew to carry out Normal Daily Activities, as well as sympoms that people prefer to hide out of embarrassment, as well as of the isolation of sufferers. And although More and More is being Talked About in Recent Years, There is Still Little Knowledge About Mici, Even in the Sufferers Themselves Who Do Not Know They Are Ill.

In fact, it is estimated that the diagnostic delay between the onset of sympoms and diagnosis is about 2 years, resulting in a more prominent disease course. This was discussed in Rome at a press conference at the senate organized by IG-Ibd to present an awareness campaign on the issue. “ The Knowledge We have Acquird-Explained Enrica Previtali, President of Friends Onlus-Confirms That Diagnostic Delay Often Makes The Disease More Aggressive Because It Involves More frequet Hospitalizations, Recourse to Surgery, Use of More Expensive Drugs, and the Biotech Drugs Drugs.

Early diagnosis is one of the goals to be achieved

Consequently, it can be said, based on the evidence, that early diagnosis is one of the goals to be achieved in order to return the ribs borne by the National Health Service, but above all to Ensure a Better Quality of Life ”. Late Diagnosis, High Drug Costs, and Poor Long-Term ADHERENCE TO THERAPY Are Thus The Main Difficulties Faced by Patient Wit Chronic Inflammory Bowel Diseases.

A survey ’ Friends We Care ’ conducted in 2017 and carried out in collaboration with the engage minds hub research center of the catholic university of the sacred heart in Milan, Italy, under the sponsorship of IG-Ibd, on a sample of 852 patients, shows in particle that 1 in 3 Patient Say Often OR Very often Think About Giving Up Treatment. “ as for patients &#8217 adherce to therapeutic prescriptions- Said Previtali- The Report confirms that only 25 percent (of the same sample) are perfectly adherent, was 71 percent are partially adherent.

Results Clearly indicated How Active Involvement of the Patient in the Treatment Process, by Increation and Fostering Information, Generates Better Disease Management, Incases Adherence to Treatments, Improves the Patient &#8217S Lifestyle, and Bries in Decrease in Health Care Costs. People with high levels of engagement are found to have a 20 percent low direct health care expeditions (Drugs, visits, examinations) and have at 25 percent &#8221 low rates of days off work for triatment;.

The President of Amici Onlu

The president of Amici Onlus then Wanted TE Emphasize a Finding from Another Survey, ‘ Mosaic ’ of a sample of 450 patients. “ in that case, it #8217; The Basis of the Therapeutic Alliance ”. In addition, there are the ribs borne by patients that are of often overlookd and were highlighted in a study commissioned by Friends.

“ This is a Research conductted in Collaboration with the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Altems High School of Economics and Management of Health Systems-Explained Previtali- Which estimated for the first time that the annual cost Borne by a patient suffering from Chronic inflammatory disassees. of the Bowel in Italy is ’ on Averal 700 Euros. In addition to this, The Research Highlights the fact that the Economic and Social Impact Brought about by Mici and Associated Treatment is onerous for Both the patient and society.

“ These are the mons relevant date: 58.3% of respondents are currently employed and of these 79.79% Said They Lost Up to 27 Working Days for Year Due To Their Condition. 69% of Patient Reported Being Accompanied by Other People to Visits and Examinations, and More Than 60% of These Caregivers Had to Be Abssent from Their Workplace for 11 Days a Year. If these Costs are Also Aged, in addition to Those Related to Lost Productivity – concludes the president of Amici Onlus- the total Expeditions Reaches the Sum of 2.250 Euros for ’ Year ”.

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