Cesano – Radiovaticana “Impossible to Accept Late intentions”

Caesan – Radiovatican: "Impossible to accept late intentions"

Vatican Radio: it is not’ ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE TO ACCEPT THE LATE INTENTS AND MOTIVATIONS OF THE’Station of the Holy See for the Cancellation of Medium-Wave Transmissioni Over Much of the’Europe and on shortwave to much of the Americas. Tens and Tens of Thousands of Citizens have Now Been Expose for Many Years to the Electromagnetic Field Emissions of That Radio Station During Which Time The Holy See Has Always Ignored the Epidemiological Evidence But Today, with This Declaration of Inclass, Wouth Seem To Take Sultistity for ITà..

What is moust disconcertingù In the Vatican Radio's Bilated intentions to Cancel, As of Next July 1, Medium-Wave Broadcasts Over Much of the’Europe (How Much Part and Which Countries ?) and Those on Shortwave to Much of the Americas (How Much Part and Which Countries ?), è Justification Given by Father Lombardi, According to Which Those Cancels Can Be Made Becauseé Those Areas are “Regions of the world Where Radio Retransmission Coverage and Internet Access Are Now by Fare The Predonderant Ways to Enjoy Vatican Radio Services”, Not Caring About the Results of the Marconi Study conducted at the best of the court of Rome, which determined a risk factor for death from leukemia, for all agesà, Up to 6.7 Times Greater Than the Statistic after Value For Those Living Within 12 km of Radio Facilities for Less Than a Year, and a Risk Factor for Childhood Leukemia and Lymphoma of up to 6.9 Times Greater Than the Statistic after Value Over 12 km. of distance.

From the Data of the Marconi Study, One Canò To see, numerically But Not Statistically, that the case of mortality are not so highà TWO STRIPS of Territory Up to 12 km Away from the Vatican Radio Facilities (About 20 % of the Total Territory) Corpsontding to the Transmission Directions to the’Europe of the’East, Russia, The Middle East and Part of the’East Africa, Are Between 3.2 and 3.5 Times Those that occurred in the rest of the territories (About L’80 % of the Total Territory) Surveyed by the’Epidemiological survey. To these Two Groups Corpsontd the population living in Cesano, Campagnano, La Storta, Olgiata, Isola Farnese, up to the Giustiniana and tomb of Nero: A Large Part of the’Entire Population That Historically Bears the Consequences of This Incredible Affair. Those Areas of Northern Rome Will Therefore Continue To Be Subjected to the Electromagnetic Radiation of the’Issuer of the Holy see sinceé, Says Father Lombardi, The Church “Has a duty to serve with special attention those areas and populations Moreù Poor or in Difficult Situationsà (Particularly in Africa, The Middle East or Asia), Who has no Other Alternative Routes to Capillary Reception of the Voice of the Pope and the Church ”.

The Coordination of North Rome Committees Once Again Calls On The Authorities toà Italian to take urgent action to:

  • to Totally Cancel Radio Broadcasts from the Vatican Radio Site in Santa Maria di Galeria Because it Willé è Figetable to have to check again for Who Knowsà How Many Years l’Operation of Vatican Radio and Respect for What it would Only TODAY INMENT TO DO;
  • ESTABLISH A Territorial Cancer Registry in Order to Also Monitor The’Incident (People Alive) of Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma in Adults (in The Marconi Study, è Been Determined Only the mortality installmentsà, for all agesà, For Those Diseases and Thus a Large Proportion of the Population è Has Been Excluded from the’survey);
  • ESTABLISH A Territorial Health Monitoring Network for Leukemic and Lymphatic Diseases Through Which Newly Identified Cases Can Be Transferred to Specialist Centers;
  • Block New Construction in the Until Vatican Radio Has Been areaà Left Able To Operate.


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