CIVITAVECCHIA: ASL ROMA F, presented a study on thyroid function in greenhouse workers
The ASL RM F of Civitavecchia, The Department of Prevention of the ASL ROMA F , in collaboration with the INAIL (formerly the INPESL Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza sul Lavoro), sponsored a study to evaluate the functionality of theà thyroid in workers in the Albanian Greenhouses. This survey was joined by 130 workers employed in greenhouses and potentially exposed to pesticides.
In recent days, the Department of Prevention, with Dr. Tidei, together with researchers from INAIL’INAIL , coordinated by Dr. Papaleo, organized a meeting with the workers involved to present the results of the analysis and explain the conclusions to which the study led.
WHEREAS, scientific evidence has shown a significant interaction with the endocrine system of a large number of pesticides, the project implemented in Civitavecchia included the analysis of a blood sample, taken from the workers involved, and the subsequent quantification of the concentration of thyroid hormones to identify possible interactions between the chemicals used and the possible modification of the function of theà of the thyroid gland.
Especially each report è was put in relation to the tasks performed by the worker , the chemicals used and the specific modalities of the exerciseà of use, all of usò in order to identify any particularly risky tasks and operating procedures, as well asé To improve prevention and protection measures.
L’analysis of the reports è Has been related to epidemiological data from the’area concerned and from ciò yes è ascertained that there are no findings of alterations in workers , which exceed those of the general population.